Vengeance Racing: Custom Built explores ½ mile drag racing and late model performance with automotive building and tuning shop, Vengeance Racing. Horse power-driven clientele aim to be the next world-record holding hobbyist.




Vengeance Racing is a self-contained docu-leaning hybrid built around the Georgia-based high-performance car builder and tuning shop, Vengeance Racing. Viewers get to strap in with some of the hottest adrenaline-inducing vehicles and discover what ½ mile drag racing and late-model performance are all about. The VR shop’s tight family culture and client relationships provide storylines that move the audience through custom builds and beyond. Cars are prepped for racing events, where world records are chased and obliterated. Each performance upgrade further blurs the line between hobbyist and professional driver at speeds over 200mph. Key to Vengeance Racing is the personality and commitment of Vengeance Racing owner, Ron Mowen. Ron and his entire team are personable and engaging, and the highly focused atmosphere of the VR family-like culture includes clients and vendors. VR gives back to the community by participating in and coordinating a variety of charitable causes, which will be featured in multiple episodes. Each episode will explore VR’s strong, real-life characters and have the repeatable story element of thrilling, high-octane racing events and the passion behind it all.